Welcome to Thoropicks!!

Thoropicks is dedicated to thoroughbred horse race analysis for all major meets…

Since we have started thoropicks.com in July 2013, we have been committed to obtaining an extensive customer base that ranges from the casual fan to the diehard every day track goer! We truly love what we do and enjoy teaching the everyday fan with extensive knowledge learned through many years of hard work and dedication. We would like to thank every one of our loyal viewers for their ongoing support. We love the game and are very passionate about promoting “The Sport of Kings” and seeing it thrive for many years to come!

– Peter Meisburger, President


Gulfstream Park 2021 Results through 3/3: 149-28-29-20 (18.8%,-86.60), BEST BETS: 12-3-2-1 (25%,+46.60)

SARATOGA 2020 (through 9/7):

TOP PICKS: 374-91-75-63, 24.3%, 61.2% ITM (-$76.50) BEST BETS: 16-6-2-4, 37.5%, 75% ITM (+$24.30)